Employment Visas
Experienced Attorneys for the Immigration Needs of Businesses & Individuals
If you are pursuing a work visa or hoping to sponsor a foreign national, you may have several options to consider. At Stok Kon + Braverman, our knowledgeable immigration lawyers can help you choose among them after assessing the details of your situation. We have assisted many clients with employment visa applications, which often require preparing and submitting complex paperwork. Our lawyers understand the importance of diligently collecting, completing, and filing these documents.
H-1B Visa
One way to bring a foreign worker into the United States is the H-1B visa. This status allows an individual to enter and work in the United States for a term of up to six years. An H-1B visa is typically used by companies to employ non-citizen workers in certain specialty occupations, such as law, engineering, mathematics, or medicine. The professional must be paid at least the prevailing wage for their specific job in the appropriate location. The employer must petition for entry of the employee through an H-1B application. This visa is subject to an annual cap, so it is important to file the application as soon as possible for the upcoming year. Once the numerical limit is reached, the USCIS will stop accepting H-1B petitions until the next cycle.
L-1 Visa
An L-1 visa allows individuals working for a foreign employer to be transferred to a related business entity in the United States in an executive, managerial, or specialized position. A petition for this status can be filed with the assistance of an attorney when the non-citizen has worked for the foreign company for at least one out of the preceding three years outside of the United States in the role of a manager, executive, or special knowledge work. An L-1 visa can be renewed for up to seven years and is a path to a green card for the visa holder and their dependents. There is no quota or cap for an L-1 visa.

Please call us today at (954) 237-1777 or contact us online to arrange an initial consultation.

These are only a few examples of employment visas that may be suited to your needs, and you should consult a legal professional to explore the potentially wide range of possibilities.
Thoroughly familiar with the nuances in this intricate field of law, the attorneys at Stok Kon + Braverman can help you come to the United States or bring someone else to this country. With years of experience, we understand the high stakes in these matters and are ready to dedicate our full energies to your concerns. We proudly represent clients throughout Broward County.
To learn more about your rights and options, call us today at (954) 237-1777 or contact us online for a consultation with an attorney.

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Marcus M.
Marcus M.
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Michael P.
Ryan P.
Ryan P.
Michael P.
Michael P.
Will S.
Will S.
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Scott S.
Scott S.
Justine L.
Justine L.
Abraham C.
Abraham C.
Marcus M.
Marcus M.
Former Client
Former Client
Willie T.
Willie T.
Katherine C.
Katherine C.
Justine L.
Justine L.
Willie T.
Willie T.
Former Client
Former Client
Will S.
Will S.
Joe H.
Joe H.
Former Client
Former Client
Former Client
Former Client
Former Client
Former Client
Katherine C.
Katherine C.
Michael P.
Michael P.
Alejandra G.
Alejandra G.
Former Client
Former Client
Joe H.
Joe H.
Robert B.
Robert B.
Justine L.
Justine L.
Former Client
Former Client
Former Client
Former Client
Michael P.
Michael P.
Alejandra G.
Alejandra G.
Camille C.
Camille C.
Scott S.
Scott S.
Camille C.
Camille C.
Ryan P.
Ryan P.
Camille C.
Camille C.
Former Client
Former Client
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